NO to oil explorations in the Algarve

ASMAA announced today a major fundraiser to finance an information campaign for every single home in the Algarve
Wednesday, 27 April 2016 | Nature

ASMAA - Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association is a private not-for-profit association complying with its statuary objectives of supporting the Algarve tourism driven sectors using the sea and marine activities as tools of sustainability. In addition ASMAA strongly supports the environment, with a special emphasis on protecting the oceans surrounding the Algarve coastal regions and preventing the Algarve from oil and gas explorations.

The organization announced today that a major fundraiser to finance a campaign against oil drilling activities in the Algarve, not only offshore but also inland to ensure that petition forms supported by information flyers land on every single home in the Algarve.

To carry all the costs of printing and distribution, a minimum of 6.000 € will be needed. The Algarve-Portal strongly supports this initiative. If you also want to help, please follow this link!

