Nossa Senhora de Guadelupe
Image gallery of the chapel near Raposeira, one of the oldest examples of Gothic architecture in the Algarve. The cult of the Virgin of Guadeloupe spead from Spain over Portugal after 1340, and Raposeira is a place closely linked to Henry the Navigator (Infante Dom Henrique).
Guadeloupe Ermitage
Ermitage de Nossa Sra. de Guadalupe
The ermitage is located on the EN 125 between Budens and Raposeira. The nearby museum deals with the Age of Portuguese Discoveries and is worth a visit.
© Monumento Nacional
Ermitage de Nossa Sra. de Guadalupe
The chapel is one of the rare examples of medieval architecture, because it was one of the few building of this time that survived the catastrophic earth quake of 1755.
© Monumento Nacional
Ermitage de Nossa Sra. de Guadalupe
The chapel is built in the local sandstone, contributing to the unusual colour of the structural elements, partly the capitals.
© Monumento Nacional
Ermitage de Nossa Sra. de Guadalupe
The cult of the Virgin of Guadelupe spread after 1340 from Spain into Portugal - it is linked not only to navigatora and mariners, but also to the ransoming of captives. Raposeira (pouso means) is a place visited frequently by Henry the Navigator, who may
© Monumento Nacional