Castro Marim Surroundings
Sapal de Castro Marim
The nature reserve stretches between Castro Marim and the Guadiana river. The spectacular bridge can be seen already from far. The wetland It is formed by salty marshes with their special brackish waters, salt-pans and creeks, that are home to a diverse range of plants and animals. A trail leads through this interesting natural reserve.
Sapal De Castro Marim Gewässer 1
The salty marshes with their special brackish waters, salt-pans and creeks are home to a diverse range of plants and animals.
Sapal de Castro Marim
Sal do mar: this quality salt is harvested by small machinery, in most cases by a carefully guided mini loader and piled up for storage.
Rio Guadiana: Bridge
To the north of Vila Real a bridge across the river Guadiana has been built in 1990/91 connecting Seville in Spain with the Algarve.
Vila Real de Santo António: Marina on the Guadiana river
The town of Vila Real de Santo António is located on the border of the Algarve to Spain, only a few miles from the estuary mouth of the Guadiana river. This areal view depicts the geometric structure of the town, that has been completely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1755.