Os Descobrimentos

Cycle of 4 promenade concerts "Era uma vez ... Portugal" in the municipal theatre of Faro

Date (Time): Sunday, 28 February 2016 (12:00)

“Once upon a time… Portugal”. In the Age of Discovery, the Portuguese travelled the world and spread the knowledge about the existence of several peoples and civilizations. They expanded their influence and in return brought new cultural practices to Portugal. These concerts will enchant the audience with ancient stories and with the sounds of the Brazilian rhythms. We will almost also be able to imagine the smell of the Indian spices. The Promenade Concerts bring joy, entertainment and knowledge to all the family.

Music by John Avery

Orquestra Classica do Sul

Rui Pinheiro, Conductor


Teatro das Figuras
Horta das Figuras, Estrada Nacional 125

8005-518 Faro

Phone: +351-289 888 110

Website: http://www.teatrodasfiguras.pt

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