Algarve Portal Blog
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
Year by year in December, the shopping centre Forum Algarve in Faro is decorated with figures made by kids of the municipal schools. This year the kids have transformed the maritime inhabitants of the lagoon of the Ria Formosa into fanciful shapes. ...
Read more...The huge hall near the former monastery of St. Anton in Loulé, normally used to prepare and store the costumes for the annual carnival parad, was the venue of a christmas market on the third Advent weekend. We have been really impressed by the variety of artistic handcraft presented and would like to s...