Algarve Portal Blog
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
The Rota Vicentina team is announcing new hiking trails and inviting volunteers to participate in the various annual maintenance activities. For more information follow this link or sen an e-mail to: 02/04 - Arrifana » Bordeira, 19 km (Caminhada de Manutenç...
Read more...In March/April the caterpillars of the pine processionary are leaving their “tents” in the tree top of their host and move down the trunk in one or several rows like a procession to pupate on the ground or below the surface. When the adult animals hatch out in the end of the summer, they live...
Read more...Dried fruit („frutos secos“), especially almonds, dried figs and the pods of the carob tree (“alfarrobeira”), are important ingredients for the traditional cuisine of the Algarve - primarily for the preparation of delicious sweets and cakes. The little museum, situated between the...
Read more...Quita Sopping's Farmers' Market will bring a selection of fresh produce and Algarvian traditional products to Quinta Shopping, every first Sunday of each month, between 10am and 1pm. In March 3rd, 2019, we invite all our customers and fans to participate in the Market, taking the chance to buy the bes...