Algarve Portal Blog
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
From May 6 to 15 twelve of the best chiefs of the Algarve – from Carvoeiro in the western to Praia Verde in the eastern Algarve – are serving a special three course menu, composed around the emblematic Ceviche, for a price of only 30 € (drinks not included). The 6th edition of this already...
Read more...The plans recently published by Uber to start selling its services also in Portugal has raised strong protest by the organization of taxi drivers, Federação Portuguesa do Táxi (FPT). Their president, Carlos Ramos, has announced a week of fights against this platform, whose business model ...
Read more...ASMAA - Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association is a private not-for-profit association complying with its statuary objectives of supporting the Algarve tourism driven sectors using the sea and marine activities as tools of sustainability. In addition ASMAA strongly supports the environment, with a spe...
Read more...FIESA (Festival Internacional de Escultura em Areia) is the largest sand sculpture exhibition ever built, held annually since 2003 in Pêra, Algarve, attracting thousands of visitors every year. The sand is hand-carved by a group of sculptors, of various nationalities, exploring different sculpting tech...