Algarve Portal Blog
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
Like in the previous years the oecumenical closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon was the final highlight of this colourful event. The participating groups of Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Italy, Kazakhstan Mexico and Poland came together with their host, the Grupo Folclórico de Faro, to once again gave sampling...
Read more...We are pleased to published a photo gallery of the opening gala of the International Folklore Festival 2016 that took place last Saturday, August 20th, in the municipal theatre of Faro (Teatro das Figuras) with friendly permission of Bruno Hilário Fotografia. Folkfaro 2016 takes place until August 2...
Read more...Since 2003, folklore groups from all over the world have been invited by the Folklore Group of Faro and Faro Council to come and take part in this Festival. For nine days, they delight audiences with an authentic folkloric program. Hundreds of artists from several countries, musicians, dancers and act...
Read more...On Saturday, July 30 already the 17th edition of the traditional Folklore Festival, organized by the Rancho Folclórico da Associação Nexense, took place in the centre of our home village Santa Bárbara de Nexe. Three generations of locals proudly presented their picturesque costumes...