Algarve Portal Blog
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
What's going on in the Algarve ?
Here you will find actual information about what's going on in the Algarve, including our own personal impressions and experiences. We are looking forward to your comments!
Buffeted by the mid-Atlantic weather, on the same latitude as Lisbon, this little group of islands has a spectacular variety of scenery. From lush, green countryside and lakes to volcanic peaks caverns, sulphur pits and lava flows. The islands’ historic vineyards are considered to be so special that a v...
Read more...On Friday, July 1st the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon discussed and voted on the gas and oil exploration project in the Algarve. Of five key proposals from political parties - PAN, BE, PCP, PEV (Green party) and the PS, the following points were approved: The immediate suspension of the developm...
Read more...The Former Environment Minister Jorge Moreira da Silva appeared in front of the joint committee of the Economy and the Environment on Thursday evening to offer his views on oil and gas exploration in the Algarve and explain the background to its chosen partner - Portfuel. You can read the full article publ...
Read more...The plans recently published by Uber to start selling its services also in Portugal has raised strong protest by the organization of taxi drivers, Federação Portuguesa do Táxi (FPT). Their president, Carlos Ramos, has announced a week of fights against this platform, whose business model ...
Read more...The new Portuguese government has realized one of its pre-election promises and partially reverted the privatization of the airline TAP (Transportes Aéreos Portugueses). In November 2015 their predecessor had sold 61% of the shares of the TAP holding SGPS to the Brazilian-Portuguese consortium Gateway ...
Read more...We have already reported several times about the project of the Portuguese government to explore oil and gas in the Algarve – both offshore and onshore - and the opposition against it, organized by ASMAA - Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association. The article below is an extract from a publication...
Read more...According to an article published by ZAP.aeiou yesterday, the Bank of Portugal reports monetary reserves of 18,664 billion € for the end of November 2015. This is the highest amount ever, an increase of 23% compared to the year before. But at the same time also the public dept has reached an all...